Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cal Football Update and Perspective

Cal Bears Football Off To a Good Start

OK…so the critics said “they will finish behind the Trojans”. I ask, will they? This is a real good Cal Bears Football team. I was at the Maryland game, and the score didn’t really tell the story, as Cal dominated from the first quarter on. This past week versus Eastern Washington, another repeat dominating performance. This is a good team. On October 3rd we will be in for a “showdown” game against USC at Memorial Stadium, and if you do not have your tickets, forget it. Sold Out!

So what kind of a team is this year’s version of Cal Bears Football? First, they are very, very fast as a team, and the quickness shows up on both offense and defense. Their offensive line moves to the defensive line almost before the defense is set. Then, this group of quick backs, led by Jahvid Best, a legitimate Heisman trophy candidate, is through the line and into the linebackers and secondary before the defense can react. Really quick.

The defensive unit is equally as fast, and again, almost running to the ball as fast as the offensive running backs. In fact, on one sweep, the Maryland backs, and they were good, could not outrun the linebackers. These guys are quick and will prove difficult for every offensive line they will face this year.

The pass receivers for Cal were all over the place. Using multiple formations, it is almost as if the defense doesn’t know where they are going to come at them. Again, very quick and really hard to cover. QB Riley is greatly improved from last year, and he can choose between any one of the four receivers on most plays, and one of those fast wideouts seems to get open on almost every pass play. It is really fun to watch, for the receivers run as if they are “wound up”, with the corners chasing hopelessly, it seems. To stop these swift receivers is going to require a very fast secondary. Slow defensive backs will allow a lot of points, especially if Riley is on target.

Where is the team weak, is a good question. Probably in the defensive line, as they are not the “giants” that some of the Big 10 teams will field. If the opposing team is a big and strong running team, the Bears may be at a disadvantage. Hopefully they can make up for the size issue with speed, which they have done in both of the opening games.

Well, the season really kicks off this week with Pac 10 competition beginning, and in the next few weeks we will see just how good this Bears team is against good competition. My sense is that if they can keep healthy; keep the speedy guys in there; and avoid the injuries, this can be a championship contending team. And, they are really a fun team to watch, with a great variety of plays and sets…just a good football team. Go Bears!

Ron Largent

September 16, 2009

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