Thursday, April 29, 2010

Too Little Too Late for Shasta County Taxpayers

Interesting conversation today with a voter....$163,000,000 paid in property taxes in Shasta County last year....claim made by the incumbent that $16.5 million was saved the taxpayers. Quite a difference, and a small percent of the total....and many should have been on Prop 8 to bring assessed value to market value, but were not. Not fair, and not right. Change is "a comin'".

Ron Largent for Shasta County Assessor Recorder on June 8, 2010.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Campaign Signs Stolen in Redding

OK…finally reported to both the Redding Police and the Shasta County Sheriff’s office….I have had a number of campaign signs removed….especially along Old Oregon Trail near Highway 44 and the Big League Dreams park. I was called first by a motorist who saw two people get out of a white pickup and take down my 4 x 4 sign…which was adjacent to my oppositions sign. The motorist could not get the license #, in that they were in traffic…but then in checking back with the gas station-convenience store they apparently got it on video, but could not get the license number also.

I reported this to both the Redding Police and the Shasta County Sheriff’s office, for sign theft is treated as a minor property crime. Altogether, I have lost 4 big signs at this location….which is at the corner of Old Oregon Trail and Old 44, and along Old Oregon Trail. And along Old Oregon Trail, 8 yard signs were removed, including two that were attached to fences. For all locations, I had received permission to post the signs.

Should anyone see someone taking signs down, please take a moment and try and get the identification of the car or pickup, and let me know and it will be reported to both police and Sheriff. Shascom is at 530-225-4564

Many thanks for your cooperation on this…..this kind of behavior in political campaigns cannot be tolerated.

Ron Largent for Shasta County Assessor Recorder
