Saturday, April 10, 2010

Campaign Signs Stolen in Redding

OK…finally reported to both the Redding Police and the Shasta County Sheriff’s office….I have had a number of campaign signs removed….especially along Old Oregon Trail near Highway 44 and the Big League Dreams park. I was called first by a motorist who saw two people get out of a white pickup and take down my 4 x 4 sign…which was adjacent to my oppositions sign. The motorist could not get the license #, in that they were in traffic…but then in checking back with the gas station-convenience store they apparently got it on video, but could not get the license number also.

I reported this to both the Redding Police and the Shasta County Sheriff’s office, for sign theft is treated as a minor property crime. Altogether, I have lost 4 big signs at this location….which is at the corner of Old Oregon Trail and Old 44, and along Old Oregon Trail. And along Old Oregon Trail, 8 yard signs were removed, including two that were attached to fences. For all locations, I had received permission to post the signs.

Should anyone see someone taking signs down, please take a moment and try and get the identification of the car or pickup, and let me know and it will be reported to both police and Sheriff. Shascom is at 530-225-4564

Many thanks for your cooperation on this…..this kind of behavior in political campaigns cannot be tolerated.

Ron Largent for Shasta County Assessor Recorder


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