Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pros and Cons of a Local Campaign

As my campaign for Shasta County Assessor Recorder comes to an end with the election on June 8th....I have been asked on various occasions, "what are my impressions of the campaign and would I do it again?" Yes, I would do it again, as it has been a very interesting and worthwhile time and well worth the effort.

"What have been the good parts?" is usually the next question, along with the "not so good".

First, I have met thousands of very nice, respectful, courteous citizens from the mountains and valleys of Eastern Shasta County to the farmers and ranchers of the south county. They are very concerned about many issues, ranging from the national economy to the local Shasta County economy. They are very concerned about the changing moral and ethical concerns and values of our elected officials, and they are very concerned about the continuing challenges to our "quality of life" that we are able to experience here in the North State.

Secondly, the average person is very appreciative of the fact that I have made myself available to meet and visit with them. Some have complained that I am the first "politician" they have seen since the last election, and they are happy that I am meeting with them. The group meetings, such as the Candidate Nights have been worthwhile and informative, and pretty well attended by the citizenry in general, and, again, appreciated by the people in attendance.

The aspect of the campaign that I did not expect, due to the fact that I am not a "politician" but a businessman, is the constant "being watched by the media and the opponent". Rather than concentrating on the issues, it is as if they are looking at everything personal and are ready to attack. I have been able to stay on the issues, but this has not been the case in all of the races here locally. I have been disappointed with the lack of respect for personal property, in that many of my campaign signs have been stolen or destroyed, for this is a right that comes with running for a public office. Another "weird" part of the campaign is my being video-taped by the opposition as I talk to folks "on the street". I am told by counsel that this video tape cannot be put into a public media without permission, and furthermore what about how I talk to people is worth watching. Weird, for sure, and I don't think it is my "movie star looks", bald head and all.

In summary, we are very fortunate to live here in Shasta County. We have folks that, for the most part, are here by choice, and they want to keep things as good as they are now, and even better. They are very concerned about the future of education in California, as they are about the environment, and about immigration...but these are also national concerns. These are folks that do not want to see "bigger government", or a government that gets too restrictive or demanding or too much involved with private property rights. These are folks that question "why are we doing what we are doing?", and this is a healthy question for a society such as ours. These are folks that also question the issue of my campaign, "why are we taxed more for our property when the real estate market is going down?". Over assessment is over taxation...call it what you want.

Thanks for reading, and let's get out the vote on June 8th....it is our right, and privilege.


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