Thursday, April 7, 2011

United Way Meeting in Sacramento, CA

Yesterday we had the occasion to be in Sacramento to hear two great speakers….one of them Jean Ross on the California Budget Project. She was very articulate, and interesting, and here is her background:

Jean Ross joined the California Budget Project (CBP) as its first executive director in 1995. The CBP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization established to promote a better understanding of state fiscal and economic policy issues and their impact on low- and- middle income Californians. Her prior professional experience includes serving as Principal Consultant to the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee; Senior Consultant to the Assembly Human Services Committee, where she staffed the California Legislature’s Joint Select Committee on the Changing Family; and Assistant Research Director of the Service Employees International Union in Washington, DC, where she was responsible for coordinating the union’s research on tax, budget, and employment policy issues. Ms. Ross serves on the Board of the Washington, DC-based Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy; the Advisory Board of the Tax Policy Center, a joint project of the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution; the Advisory Committee of California’s Franchise Tax Board; the Technical Advisory Committee of California’s Economic Strategy Panel; and the Board of the California Tax Reform Association. Ms. Ross is a frequent speaker on fiscal and economic policy issues and has published numerous reports and articles. She has authored articles published by the Los Angeles Times, Sacramento Bee, State Tax Notes, San Francisco Chronicle, San Diego Union Tribune, UC Berkeley’s Intergovernmental Studies Press, Cornell University Press, National Academy Press, and other publications. Ms. Ross graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz and has a master’s degree in City and Regional Planning with a concentration in Regional Economics from the University of California, Berkeley. Ms. Ross was selected as a Senior Fellow of the University of California, Los Angeles’ School of Public Policy and Social Research in 2000-01.

An excellent morning for all.

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