Saturday, July 17, 2010

Shasta County Veterans Affiliated Council (SCVAC)

Earlier today I attended the quarterly meeting of the SCVAC and it was most interesting. A lot of good things are happening for the veterans in Shasta County and I am proud to be serving in this group as first VP. My task will be to work on membership, which means helping vets to become involed in the various veterans organizations here in the County that exist to serve vets needs. Members of the Council include the American Legion, the Military Officers Association, and a number of other groups representing both the past conflicts and specific military branches.

The council is concerned with all veteran matters, including the under construction Vets Home on Knighton Road, the Vets Cemetary in Igo, and even the new location of the Veterans Service Office on Shasta Street in Redding.

Reports today were given by Veterans Service Officer for the County, retired Chief Master Sergeant Bob Dunlap; retired Colonel Pete Stiglich; American Legion rep Glen Mayer; and chairperson and President of the Council, Charlee Thompson.

Upcoming events include the Awards Banquet on October 23rd and the Veterans Parade in Shasta Lake City onVeterans Day in November. This traditional parade is sponsored by the Shasta Lake Lions Club and Elmer Ellsworth, the parade chairman announced that this year, again, we would have a flyover by the Airlift Command at Travis Air Force Base.

All interested vets are encouraged to become involved, and can e-mail me for upcoming meetings and functions.

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