Monday, February 21, 2011

Military Officers Association of America in Redding, CA

The Redding Chapter of the Military Officers of America Association (MOAA) is meeting every month in Redding and we are looking for new members. If you are an active or former officer in any of the military branches, please come join us. We have a luncheon meeting and always have a great speaker.

MOAA is one of the oldest and strongest proponents of Veterans benefits in the nation….and we need to keep the needs of the military and their benefits in front of Congress. By being part of MOAA….you can be a factor in this effort.

The attached is our monthly Sentinel…very well done….and hope to see you at our March meeting.

March 2011

The Frontier Senior Center...a United Way Agency

Look at what is going on in Anderson at the Senior Center…very busy, and very impressive…

2081 Frontier Trail, Anderson
(530) 365-7061

SSNP Nutritious Meal…………………………………….Mon.-Fri. 11:30am
Shasta County IHSS Worker(Call)………………….Mon.-Fri. 2:30-4:30
COA Friendly Visit …………………………………….Mon.-Fri. Intermittent
COA Minor Home Repair …………..…..…Mon.-Fri. As Scheduled
SSNP Brown Bag Distribution ………………1st & 3rd Tues. 12:30pm
SSNP Commodities Distribution………………………..1st Wed. 12:30pm
COA Homebound Commodities …………….2nd Fri. 7:30am-12:30pm
Blood Pressure Clinics…………………….1st & 3rd Tues. 11:00-1:00pm
Nutrition EducationQuarterly ……………………………11:30-12:00 Noon
SSNP Senior Transportation ………….……….…Daily 8:30-2:00pm
Volunteer Opportunities ………………………..…Daily 8:30-5:00pm
COA Information & Referral ……………..………Daily 8:30-5:00pm
AARP Tax Assistance Seasonal …………..…..……9:00am-3:30pm
AARP Defensive Driver Training ……………Monthly 9:00am-1:00pm
Stroke Screening ……………………………………….Twice a Year
Cholesterol Screening ………………………..………..Twice a Year
Free Glasses Adjustment ……………..………..….…..Twice a Year
Veterans Service Officer ….……………………10:00am-12:00 Noon
Senior Seminars ………..……Mon. Call for Class Time & Description

Bingo ………………….…….Mon. & Thurs. 9:30am-11:00am (Seniors)
Bingo …………………….……………Wed. 11:00am & Fri. 11:30am
Card Club ………………….….Mon., Tues. Thurs. & Fri. 1:00-4:00pm
Computer Class …………………….……….Mon.-Thurs. 1:00-3:00pm
Exercise Equipment ……………………….…Daily 8:30am-12:00 Noon
Quilters …………………………..………….….Mon. & Fri. All Day
Crafts ………………………………………….…….Tues. 9:00-11:00am
Lending/Resource Library …………………….Mon.-Fri. 8:30am-5:00pm
Senior Dancing-Live Bands ………………….Tues.-Thurs. 7:30-10:00pm
Senior Band-Live Music ……………………Tues., Wed. & Fri. 9:30am
Rug Hooking Club …………………….…………Wed. 9:00am-3:00pm
Strength Training /Exercise ………………….Tues. & Thurs. 8:30-9:30am
Genealogy Class …………………………………..Wed. 10:00-11:30am
Line Dancing Class …………………………………..Wed. 7:00-9:00pm
Tai Chi ….……………………………………….Thurs 8:30-10:00am

What is 2-1-1

What is 211?
Every hour of every day, hundreds of people need essential human services in the United States, but most do not know where to turn for assistance. 2-1-1 allows people to begin to get connected and get answers to their problems.
2-1-1 is an easy to remember telephone number that connects people with important community services and volunteer opportunities. 2-1-1 is available in 78% of the United States. Both the United Way of America (UWA) and the Alliance for Information and Referral Systems (AIRS) are strongly supporting the federal legistlation that will ensure adequate funding so that every American has access
to 2-1-1 in the United States.
In Shasta County, we are just now becoming part of this nationwide effort. Working in cooperation with the United Way of Northern California based in Redding, the Shasta County office of Health and Human Relations will be the lead government agency to insure that 2-1-1 is up and running in Shasta County. Plans are now being made, and put into place, to activate the system, which will have a far reaching effect on addressing the basic emergency needs of the people of Shasta County. More to come.

News Release on United Way

United Way of Northern California Adds Butte and Glenn Counties to its Service Territory

At the request of United Way Worldwide, United Way of Northern California has added Butte and Glenn Counties to its service territory.

The announcement was made by Ron Largent, President and CEO of United Way of Northern California based in Redding, CA. The Butte and Glenn County agencies will continue to work closely with a local Butte and Glenn Board of Advisors made up of members from all communities in the counties. In addition, agencies that are not currently a partner agency with United Way are encouraged to make an application for funds in the three United Way focus-target areas: Education, Income, and Health.

“Our goals,” Largent said, “are to improve management, to enable United Way to acquire greater resources and to provide a wider range of services to a larger geographical area. We want to maximize the benefits to those we serve by addressing the basic needs of our communities in both Butte and Glenn Counties. We think this re-organization is a very good step in that direction.”

For additional information, please call the main office at 530-241-7521, e-mail or visit the web site at

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What is United Way of Northern California All About?

Everyone deserves opportunities to have a good life: a quality education that leads to a stable job, enough income to support a family through retirement, and good health.

That’s why United Way’s work is focused on the building blocks for a good life:

* Education – Helping Children and Youth Achieve Their Potential
* Income – Promoting Financial Stability and Independence
* Health – Improving People’s Health

Advancing the common good is less about helping one person at a time and more about changing systems to help all of us. We are all connected and interdependent. We all win when a child succeeds in school, when families are financially stable, when people are healthy.

United Way’s goal is to create long-lasting changes by addressing the underlying causes of these problems. Living united means being a part of the change. It takes everyone in the community working together to create a brighter future. Give. Advocate. Volunteer. LIVE UNITED

Friday, February 18, 2011

Red Bluff Golden Umbrella RSVP Soup Dinner

What a great evening at the Red Bluff, CA Golden Umbrella RSVP Soup Kitchen Special Event….huge crowd, great food, and great fellowship. Fun for all, and wonderful soups and breads. Well done, all….already looking forward to next year.

Here is the website:

Tehama Group Communications and the United Way

Today we had a full day visit from the Team at Tehama Group Communications from Chico State. They Team will be working with us on our print material…and these students are really talented.

This was the first visit to our projects here in the North State…so now they go to work for us….and we are very fortunate.

You can learn more about this talented group at

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Red Bluff City Employees Are Great!

Thanks to the many employees at the City of Red Bluff, CA for their support of the United Way and the many agencies that are addressing the basic needs of Red Bluff and Tehama County.

Yesterday we made a presentation to the employees, and appreciate their great questions and positive attitudes about the agencies and the work that they are doing.

Red Bluff is a great city in Northern California and you can learn more about this fine “western” city at….

Thanks, again, Red Bluff employees…

Monday, February 7, 2011

Chico Meals on Meals...a United Way Agency

Today we had a chance to hear about the work that is being done by Chico Meals on Wheels….very impressive. Here is their site, so please check them out.

Chico Meals on Meals...a United Way Agency

Today we had a chance to hear about the work that is being done by Chico Meals on Wheels….very impressive. Here is their site, so please check them out.

A Thought for the Day

My friend, Mike Ferrier, sends out a weekly “thought”, and this week this is a good one and I wanted to get it out to folks that appreciate these kinds of things….always a motivator for me…here it is:

Permission to Dream

“Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream,

so shall you become.

Your vision is the promise of what you

shall one day be;

your ideal is the prophecy of what you

shall at last unveil.” ~ James Allen

Always remember that your thoughts, words and actions become your reality, so always make them positive. Dream big, keep your faith and know that miracles happen every single day!

A dream does not need to happen when you are asleep. I like the inspiration of aspiration. Let your imagination run and you will not get out of breath, but it may take your breath away. Just this morning I thanked my buddy Ron for encouraging me to, “Dream the Impossible Dream.”

Be Happy & Healthy,

A lot of truth here….and best wishes, to all.

A Thought for the Day

My friend, Mike Ferrier, sends out a weekly “thought”, and this week this is a good one and I wanted to get it out to folks that appreciate these kinds of things….always a motivator for me…here it is:

Permission to Dream

“Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream,

so shall you become.

Your vision is the promise of what you

shall one day be;

your ideal is the prophecy of what you

shall at last unveil.” ~ James Allen

Always remember that your thoughts, words and actions become your reality, so always make them positive. Dream big, keep your faith and know that miracles happen every single day!

A dream does not need to happen when you are asleep. I like the inspiration of aspiration. Let your imagination run and you will not get out of breath, but it may take your breath away. Just this morning I thanked my buddy Ron for encouraging me to, “Dream the Impossible Dream.”

Be Happy & Healthy,

A lot of truth here….and best wishes, to all.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

People of Progress and the United Way in Redding, CA

This past week I had another opportunity to go by one of the United Way agencies here in Redding. People of Progress is a daily work that addresses the basic needs of our community, and one of those agencies that are clearly making an impact. Here is the web site for your to read about their work…

Through this kind of organization, the United Way is making a big difference in the lives of thousands.

People of Progress and the United Way in Redding, CA

This past week I had another opportunity to go by one of the United Way agencies here in Redding. People of Progress is a daily work that addresses the basic needs of our community, and one of those agencies that are clearly making an impact. Here is the web site for your to read about their work…

Through this kind of organization, the United Way is making a big difference in the lives of thousands.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Weather Outside is Gorgeous,..sorry Dallas!

As I rode my bike along the beautiful Sacramento River Trail earlier this morning, I could not help but think back at what I had seen an hour earlier on CNN….when they did the pre-Super Bowl thing about the weather in Dallas, TX. Today is over 70 in Northern California, and suppose to be 77 tomorrow….and still we have snow on all 3 of the surrounding mountains, Lassen, Shasta, and Trinity Bally….what a scene with the bright sun and clear skies.

And, as I rode, and reflecting back on the great Chamberee last night, and then the excitement of being part of United Way and the many agencies and the work that they are doing….and what good we are accomplishing here in the North State….just had to think about how blessed we are to be here in Shasta County. Even with the downturn in the economy, the people here are enjoying life as best they can…taking full advantage of the quality of life here in the North State.

Just had to reflect a few moments….nothing exciting…just reality.

The Weather Outside is Gorgeous,..sorry Dallas!

As I rode my bike along the beautiful Sacramento River Trail earlier this morning, I could not help but think back at what I had seen an hour earlier on CNN….when they did the pre-Super Bowl thing about the weather in Dallas, TX. Today is over 70 in Northern California, and suppose to be 77 tomorrow….and still we have snow on all 3 of the surrounding mountains, Lassen, Shasta, and Trinity Bally….what a scene with the bright sun and clear skies.

And, as I rode, and reflecting back on the great Chamberee last night, and then the excitement of being part of United Way and the many agencies and the work that they are doing….and what good we are accomplishing here in the North State….just had to think about how blessed we are to be here in Shasta County. Even with the downturn in the economy, the people here are enjoying life as best they can…taking full advantage of the quality of life here in the North State.

Just had to reflect a few moments….nothing exciting…just reality.
As I rode my bike along the beautiful Sacramento River Trail earlier this morning, I could not help but think back at what I had seen an hour earlier on CNN….when they did the pre-Super Bowl thing about the weather in Dallas, TX. Today is over 70 in Northern California, and suppose to be 77 tomorrow….and still we have snow on all 3 of the surrounding mountains, Lassen, Shasta, and Trinity Bally….what a scene with the bright sun and clear skies.

And, as I rode, and reflecting back on the great Chamberee last night, and then the excitement of being part of United Way and the many agencies and the work that they are doing….and what good we are accomplishing here in the North State….just had to think about how blessed we are to be here in Shasta County. Even with the downturn in the economy, the people here are enjoying life as best they can…taking full advantage of the quality of life here in the North State.

Just had to reflect a few moments….nothing exciting…just reality.

Multi[Family Celebration in Central Valley, CA

Earlier today I had the opportunity to go out and see the Multi-Cultural Fair at CV High School. It was a wonderful event, celebrating the diverse make-up of our population. The United Way had a booth in the cafeteria, but the real show was the show itself, with various groups from throughout the area taking part from dance to sing to native American history moments. The Record Searchlight best described the event in its article this past week, and we, at United Way of Northern California was proud to be part of this event. Here is the article, and please put this neat event on your schedule for next year.

SHASTA LAKE — Divisiveness may rule in the nation’s capital but closer to home, hundreds of people will be celebrating diversity instead.

The annual Multicultural Celebration, in its eighth year, returns from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at Central Valley High School in Shasta Lake. Last year more than 550 people attended the free event.

“It’s a big coming together,” said Lee Macey, co-coordinator with her husband, Don Yost. “It’s the old common-ground thing.”

This year’s theme is Honoring Humanity.

One highlight is the feast of ethnic cuisine, including East Indian, African-American, Mexican, Mien, Italian and Native American dishes. Community service booths and cultural displays will line the hallways, and a variety of music and dance performances will be featured.

New this year is the Ballet Folklorico from the Anderson Teen Center, a registration booth set up by the League of Women Voters and a child identification fingerprinting station, courtesy of the Shasta County Sheriff’s Office. Also, a dozen students in the Redding School of the Arts’ Mandarin program will appear as a dragon.

One favorite attraction is the bicycle-powered blender that makes smoothies, provided by county Public Health.

“You put your fruits in the blender and crank away on the bike,” Macey said. “You get a reward for your exercise.”

The Multicultural Planning Committee was formed in 2003, when members of the Mien community wanted to thank the city for the reception they received. In turn, Shasta Lake wanted to share other cultures in the area.

The celebration is funded by community donations and fundraisers. Gateway Unified School District has been the major supporter and sponsor, organizers said, with teachers and students actively involved.

Dozens of other groups also participate.

“This is really a positive emphasis on diversity in the world,” Macey said.

This kind of said it all.,….just a wonderful event.

Lassen Family Services

Last week we had the occasion to visit one of our agencies in Susanville, CA. Darla and her professional staff are doing a wonderful job of meeting the needs of the area, and making a true Community Impact. We were so impressed with what they are doing with such limited resources…take a look at this site, for this will give you a great insight as to what they are doing and how they do it…

This is just one of the 45 agencies that we are partnering with in the 9 northern California counties…very exciting, and a privilege to be associated with these great agencies.

United Way and the CFC and CSECC

Over the years, the United Way of the many areas that we serve in California have received annual revenue from the many Federal and State employees and their payroll deduction or workplace contribution programs. Without this, many of the basic needs in each of our communities, would not have been able to carry out their daily tasks. We are very indebted to these thousands of employees that chose to make a small contribution each payday that has made a huge difference in the lives of millions over the years.

Yesterday we were able to meet with the Metropolitan Arts Council in Sacramento, our administrator for the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), to go over all of their procedures and how this process will affect our local agencies and our interaction with them. I am very happy to report that the meetings went very, very well….our processes has been simplified, and we are now very hopeful that we can reduce our administrative costs to get more dollars to our agencies. Consolidation of the process that has worked for years is the only way to go with the changing business world and the rapidly changing technology in the work place. It is so encouraging to see that we are all in this together; that the downturn in the economy does not mean the decrease in needs (in fact, just the opposite); and that we are all committed to getting the maximum donated dollar to the most needy to make a true community impact in each of our areas.

At the CSECC (California State Employees Charitable Campaign) meeting, we had the same results. The goal to get more dollars contributed to the 45 agencies in the 9 northern California counties that we serve in over 70 programs is on our minds daily, and to hear that by employing the latest in technology in the entire process is very encouraging.

Thanks to all of the Federal and State, and County and City and the many corporation employees that have participated in workplace giving…we are making a huge difference in our communities, and our goal is re-enforced to get more revenue to the using agencies. A noble goal.

United Way and the CFC and CSECC

Over the years, the United Way of the many areas that we serve in California have received annual revenue from the many Federal and State employees and their payroll deduction or workplace contribution programs. Without this, many of the basic needs in each of our communities, would not have been able to carry out their daily tasks. We are very indebted to these thousands of employees that chose to make a small contribution each payday that has made a huge difference in the lives of millions over the years.

Yesterday we were able to meet with the Metropolitan Arts Council in Sacramento, our administrator for the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), to go over all of their procedures and how this process will affect our local agencies and our interaction with them. I am very happy to report that the meetings went very, very well….our processes has been simplified, and we are now very hopeful that we can reduce our administrative costs to get more dollars to our agencies. Consolidation of the process that has worked for years is the only way to go with the changing business world and the rapidly changing technology in the work place. It is so encouraging to see that we are all in this together; that the downturn in the economy does not mean the decrease in needs (in fact, just the opposite); and that we are all committed to getting the maximum donated dollar to the most needy to make a true community impact in each of our areas.

At the CSECC (California State Employees Charitable Campaign) meeting, we had the same results. The goal to get more dollars contributed to the 45 agencies in the 9 northern California counties that we serve in over 70 programs is on our minds daily, and to hear that by employing the latest in technology in the entire process is very encouraging.

Thanks to all of the Federal and State, and County and City and the many corporation employees that have participated in workplace giving…we are making a huge difference in our communities, and our goal is re-enforced to get more revenue to the using agencies. A noble goal.

United Way and the CFC and CSECC

Over the years, the United Way of the many areas that we serve in California have received annual revenue from the many Federal and State employees and their payroll deduction or workplace contribution programs. Without this, many of the basic needs in each of our communities, would not have been able to carry out their daily tasks. We are very indebted to these thousands of employees that chose to make a small contribution each payday that has made a huge difference in the lives of millions over the years.

Yesterday we were able to meet with the Metropolitan Arts Council in Sacramento, our administrator for the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), to go over all of their procedures and how this process will affect our local agencies and our interaction with them. I am very happy to report that the meetings went very, very well….our processes has been simplified, and we are now very hopeful that we can reduce our administrative costs to get more dollars to our agencies. Consolidation of the process that has worked for years is the only way to go with the changing business world and the rapidly changing technology in the work place. It is so encouraging to see that we are all in this together; that the downturn in the economy does not mean the decrease in needs (in fact, just the opposite); and that we are all committed to getting the maximum donated dollar to the most needy to make a true community impact in each of our areas.

At the CSECC (California State Employees Charitable Campaign) meeting, we had the same results. The goal to get more dollars contributed to the 45 agencies in the 9 northern California counties that we serve in over 70 programs is on our minds daily, and to hear that by employing the latest in technology in the entire process is very encouraging.

Thanks to all of the Federal and State, and County and City and the many corporation employees that have participated in workplace giving…we are making a huge difference in our communities, and our goal is re-enforced to get more revenue to the using agencies. A noble goal.

United Way and the CFC and CSECC

Over the years, the United Way of the many areas that we serve in California have received annual revenue from the many Federal and State employees and their payroll deduction or workplace contribution programs. Without this, many of the basic needs in each of our communities, would not have been able to carry out their daily tasks. We are very indebted to these thousands of employees that chose to make a small contribution each payday that has made a huge difference in the lives of millions over the years.

Yesterday we were able to meet with the Metropolitan Arts Council in Sacramento, our administrator for the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), to go over all of their procedures and how this process will affect our local agencies and our interaction with them. I am very happy to report that the meetings went very, very well….our processes has been simplified, and we are now very hopeful that we can reduce our administrative costs to get more dollars to our agencies. Consolidation of the process that has worked for years is the only way to go with the changing business world and the rapidly changing technology in the work place. It is so encouraging to see that we are all in this together; that the downturn in the economy does not mean the decrease in needs (in fact, just the opposite); and that we are all committed to getting the maximum donated dollar to the most needy to make a true community impact in each of our areas.

At the CSECC (California State Employees Charitable Campaign) meeting, we had the same results. The goal to get more dollars contributed to the 45 agencies in the 9 northern California counties that we serve in over 70 programs is on our minds daily, and to hear that by employing the latest in technology in the entire process is very encouraging.

Thanks to all of the Federal and State, and County and City and the many corporation employees that have participated in workplace giving…we are making a huge difference in our communities, and our goal is re-enforced to get more revenue to the using agencies. A noble goal.

Chamberee A Great Event in Redding, CA

What an enjoyable night at the annual Redding Chamber of Commerce Awards function, Chamberee. Held at the Win River Casino Grand Ballroom, the room was filled with community supporters to recognize the outstanding volunteers and businesses in Redding. This was the 10th Chamberee that I have attended, and this one was as enjoyable as one could ask. The highlight of the evening was the recognition of Dick Green, the former and long term manager of our own Channel 7, KRCR, as the Citizen of the Year. This award was long overdue, as Dick has been a key member of our community since the 1960′s.

Also recognized were the many past recipients, along with the volunteers that have spent endless hours on behalf of the Chamber. And, these things do not just happen, and hats off to Frank Strazzarino and his entire staff at the Redding Chamber of Commerce for their great planning, aided by the very competent staff at Win River, to make this great annual event happen.

Well done, and certainly well enjoyed, by the hundreds in attendance. On to greater things, now, led by the Redding Chamber.