Monday, February 7, 2011

A Thought for the Day

My friend, Mike Ferrier, sends out a weekly “thought”, and this week this is a good one and I wanted to get it out to folks that appreciate these kinds of things….always a motivator for me…here it is:

Permission to Dream

“Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream,

so shall you become.

Your vision is the promise of what you

shall one day be;

your ideal is the prophecy of what you

shall at last unveil.” ~ James Allen

Always remember that your thoughts, words and actions become your reality, so always make them positive. Dream big, keep your faith and know that miracles happen every single day!

A dream does not need to happen when you are asleep. I like the inspiration of aspiration. Let your imagination run and you will not get out of breath, but it may take your breath away. Just this morning I thanked my buddy Ron for encouraging me to, “Dream the Impossible Dream.”

Be Happy & Healthy,

A lot of truth here….and best wishes, to all.

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