Monday, February 21, 2011

What is 2-1-1

What is 211?
Every hour of every day, hundreds of people need essential human services in the United States, but most do not know where to turn for assistance. 2-1-1 allows people to begin to get connected and get answers to their problems.
2-1-1 is an easy to remember telephone number that connects people with important community services and volunteer opportunities. 2-1-1 is available in 78% of the United States. Both the United Way of America (UWA) and the Alliance for Information and Referral Systems (AIRS) are strongly supporting the federal legistlation that will ensure adequate funding so that every American has access
to 2-1-1 in the United States.
In Shasta County, we are just now becoming part of this nationwide effort. Working in cooperation with the United Way of Northern California based in Redding, the Shasta County office of Health and Human Relations will be the lead government agency to insure that 2-1-1 is up and running in Shasta County. Plans are now being made, and put into place, to activate the system, which will have a far reaching effect on addressing the basic emergency needs of the people of Shasta County. More to come.

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