Saturday, February 5, 2011

United Way and the CFC and CSECC

Over the years, the United Way of the many areas that we serve in California have received annual revenue from the many Federal and State employees and their payroll deduction or workplace contribution programs. Without this, many of the basic needs in each of our communities, would not have been able to carry out their daily tasks. We are very indebted to these thousands of employees that chose to make a small contribution each payday that has made a huge difference in the lives of millions over the years.

Yesterday we were able to meet with the Metropolitan Arts Council in Sacramento, our administrator for the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), to go over all of their procedures and how this process will affect our local agencies and our interaction with them. I am very happy to report that the meetings went very, very well….our processes has been simplified, and we are now very hopeful that we can reduce our administrative costs to get more dollars to our agencies. Consolidation of the process that has worked for years is the only way to go with the changing business world and the rapidly changing technology in the work place. It is so encouraging to see that we are all in this together; that the downturn in the economy does not mean the decrease in needs (in fact, just the opposite); and that we are all committed to getting the maximum donated dollar to the most needy to make a true community impact in each of our areas.

At the CSECC (California State Employees Charitable Campaign) meeting, we had the same results. The goal to get more dollars contributed to the 45 agencies in the 9 northern California counties that we serve in over 70 programs is on our minds daily, and to hear that by employing the latest in technology in the entire process is very encouraging.

Thanks to all of the Federal and State, and County and City and the many corporation employees that have participated in workplace giving…we are making a huge difference in our communities, and our goal is re-enforced to get more revenue to the using agencies. A noble goal.

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