Saturday, February 5, 2011

As I rode my bike along the beautiful Sacramento River Trail earlier this morning, I could not help but think back at what I had seen an hour earlier on CNN….when they did the pre-Super Bowl thing about the weather in Dallas, TX. Today is over 70 in Northern California, and suppose to be 77 tomorrow….and still we have snow on all 3 of the surrounding mountains, Lassen, Shasta, and Trinity Bally….what a scene with the bright sun and clear skies.

And, as I rode, and reflecting back on the great Chamberee last night, and then the excitement of being part of United Way and the many agencies and the work that they are doing….and what good we are accomplishing here in the North State….just had to think about how blessed we are to be here in Shasta County. Even with the downturn in the economy, the people here are enjoying life as best they can…taking full advantage of the quality of life here in the North State.

Just had to reflect a few moments….nothing exciting…just reality.

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