Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lessons for Life from Mike Ferrier

Mike Ferrier is a good friend and sends me his "Lessons for Life" it is...

I don't have a big appetite for it, but there are times in life where you have to "eat crow". For you younger people that means having to admit you were wrong and taking an action to apologize or rectify the situation. Winston Churchill once said, "Eating words has never given me indigestion." He also said, "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last." When you are wrong, admit it openly to the right person and get it behind you. It may not feel good when you do it, but it will be behind both of you and you can move forward without it getting in the way.

This week's post is a little late due to a wonderful trip to Southern California for friends, family, clients and education. While driving, I saw a truck loaded with lemons, a very sour and puckery fruit. Then thought of how many thousands of times those little yellow jewels will spice up a glass of water or lend their joy to a nice piece of fish or lobster. There are lemons in life. Take them in little slices and let them spice things up rather than saving them up and running into a whole truckload at once.

How about some crow with lemon and capers.

Mike Ferrier

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