Saturday, March 26, 2011

Zoning is the Issue in Redding, CA B&B Case

Zoning is the Issue in Redding, CA B&B Case. (edit/delete)

Earlier today I had the opportunity to hear the argument on whether or not a Bed and Breakfast should be allowed in a very nice residential area of Redding. The applicant, which happens to be a family that is associated with a local church that has an extensive national and international following, wants to make their home available to folks that come to the church for various seminars and meetings. The issue is not really the church, but what will happen to the general neighborhood if the B&B is it is becoming a city zoning issue, and my guess is that a zoning change may be in the works if this occupancy is allowed.

Having served on the Redding Planning Commission for about 2 years, one of the issues that we were constantly concerned about was consistency in decision making. This had been a problem in the past as the rapid growth occurred over the past few years in Redding and Shasta County, so every decision involved consistency in zoning matters.

Now we have this situation. Currently in Redding, group homes are allowed in residential neighborhoods, as are B&B's. For the most part, both of these living accommodations are very low key, with relatively little, if any, unusual traffic. Parking never seems to be a problem, except for occasional visitors at the group homes. The B&B's are small, and maybe an extra car or two is about all that happens. With this proposed B&B, 3 rooms will be offered, and all 3 will have cars, so parking, and traffic becomes an issue in this quiet neighborhood. Neighbors are starting to make a case that this utilization will "change the nature of the neighborhood", and they have a point. If this is allowed, then another B&B could pop up around the corner, and so it goes. This decision will definitely set a pattern and a precedent for other neighborhoods, for from here on, the decisions will be based on subjective factors, not the law or objective rules and regulations.

So now the decision goes to the Redding Planning Commission and they will be forced to make a decision. If it is approved, then no doubt the residents will take it to the City Council, and if it is passed there, then probably a lawsuit will follow for violations of the neighborhood CC&R's, which are covenants setting out standards and guidelines for the neighborhood.

Not alot of options...other than to look at the zoning...and maybe a change is in order, for this situation could be repeated over and over as Redding grows and changes in the years to come. My vote is that a change in zoning is needed. Consistency in decision making is critical to good growth.

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