Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lou Tice and the Pacific Institute

Over the years, I have enjoyed reading Lou Tice encouragements…this is a good one, and appropriate for today…

What would it take to make you happy?

Now, I know some of you think that if you only had this or that particular thing or a certain amount of money, you’d be happy. Others believe that if you were only in love with someone wonderful who loved you back, then you would be happy. And there are still others who believe that if a miracle would occur and cure you or someone you love of an illness, that would make you happy.

But I want to tell you something. Happiness is a choice you make, not something that does or doesn’t happen to you. You can choose to be happy right now, no matter what you have or don’t have.

The first step toward finding your own happiness is gratitude. If you develop and heighten your powers of appreciation by focusing on the beauty in your life instead of the imperfections, you will be halfway there.

I guarantee that you will see an abundance of beauty in your life, regardless of your surroundings or circumstances, if only you will look for it. Once you can see it, appreciate it! And not just intellectually. Let it give you real joy.

You see, the time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. And the reasons to be happy are all around you. So what are you waiting for? Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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