Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lou Tice and the Pacific Institute

Lou Tice and the Pacific Institute.
Posted on March 26, 2011 by Ron Largent

Some years ago I became involved with the Pacific Institute, owned and led by Lou Tice. Ever since then I have subscribed to his weekly motivational articles, and the following is one I got yesterday. It really applies to our work in the non-profit field, as it does to business in general. Please read on:

What are you afraid of? It doesn’t matter whether it’s speaking in public or snakes, if you really want to conquer it, you can.

Let’s talk for a few moments about fear. Fear can be either a valuable ally or a vicious enemy. It can keep you safe and prevent you from taking dangerous chances, but it can also stop you from taking the risks you must take if you are to grow and change for the better.

It’s important to understand that fear itself can’t hurt you. Fear is simply a negative rehearsal of the future. You imagine yourself in a certain situation, and you foresee painful results. Now, your imagination is so powerful, that when you see yourself in this painful situation, it produces a response in your body that says, “Stop!” And sometimes, that’s the appropriate thing to do.

But sometimes, what you really need to do is go forward, especially when you are working toward a goal that is important to you.

A good technique that will help you go beyond fear is to deliberately and repeatedly imagine yourself calmly moving past it. Then, see the positive results clearly and vividly. If you can stay focused on the beneficial aspects and really feel the good feelings that go with it, you’ll be creating a positive rehearsal of the future that will outweigh and overrule your fear. And you will be growing stronger and more capable at the same time.

Lou Tice

The Pacific Institute

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